The Hired Pens Selects Pro-Bono Client: Cradles to Crayons

A few months ago, a good friend of mine posted some upsetting images of starving children of Somalia on her Facebook page with a request for donations to Doctors without Borders. I couldn’t stop looking at them … and felt near tears the entire day. (This is not a good state to be in when […]

How to Navigate a Roomful of Strangers in Five Easy Steps

NOTE: After attending our jillionth networking event last night, we thought we’d repost some tips we’ve learned over the years. Whether success for you means leaving a networking event with several new business contacts — or just leaving with your dignity intact — here are a few basic steps to get you started. And while these steps are geared […]

What to do about the death of proper grammar

Readers ask, The Hired Pens tries to answer. Today’s question comes from Sean, who wonders if the English language is dying a slow (or not-so-slow) death. Dear Hired Pens, Where has the proper and grammatically correct use of the English language gone? Seriously, it seems that everyone is using Text Speak and it is really […]

Throwing a Virtual Bouquet to Heineken for Its “Entrance” Commercial

If you’ve ever watched a football game on TV, one thing becomes clear: Beer commercials sure are stupid. Most beer ads today blatantly objectify women, a proud tradition that goes back decades. A more recent trend is to portray men as bumbling fools who hatch plans to build homes out of Coors Light cans or […]

You’re So Vain … You Probably Think My License Plate Is About You

A few weeks ago, I received the following inquiry in my inbox. Dear Hired Pens, How few words can a writer use and still get a point across? Poetry goes a long way to reducing words to as few as possible, and the haiku form goes even further. The ultimate in brevity, however, is a […]

And for your Friday afternoon: Humor in the afterlife

One of our writers, the fabulously talented Genevieve Crain, just sent me this photo of a headstone company in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. As copywriters Dan and I spend a lot of time thinking about what is and is not appropriate humor for our clients. It’s hard to get it right, but when you do, the […]

10 Great Magazine Ads That Don’t Just Sit There Looking Pretty

We hear a lot about “interactive” this and that these days … but the term is not usually applied to PRINT advertising. These particularly clever ads each have their own unique  interactive element — from tightening bras to opening bottles of beer. (Do not attempt at the same time in real life.) Enjoy!

Want to become a faster writer? Here’s how in three easy(ish) steps.

My mom taught herself how to speed read. She tried to explain it to me once, but I wasn’t really listening because I have no interest in reading faster. I like meandering my way through a book. It’s relaxing. But becoming a faster writer? Sure, sign me up. So when I saw the recent […]

Leo loves Bacon like The Hired Pens loves Jennifer Bruni

Dear Faithful Blog Readers, I am currently hard at work on a blog about speed writing. Given the topic, you wouldn’t think it would take that long if I followed my own advice. Hmmm… But in the meantime, I thought I’d share one of my favorite blogs from The Hired Pens newest hire, the talented […]

Simply 2 Turn Customers Away

As one of the creators of America’s Most Popular Blog™*, there’s a lot of pressure to come up with fascinating entries. Luckily, inspiration is everywhere. For example, yesterday on my way to the movies, I passed this sign. In case you can’t quite make out the terrible picture I took with my iPhone, it’s a […]